Introduction to Computer Technology AAUeLearnAfricaLMS

1 Weeks


Learn the major advances in technology that led to the development of modern computers

In this course, we will learn some of the advances in technology that led to the development of modern computers. We will begin our study with a look at the different components of a computer. We will then discuss how we measure hardware and software performance before discussing the importance of computing power and how it motivated the switch from a single-core to a multi-core processor. 

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • list the major advances that have taken place in the history of computer technology;
  • list the basic elements in a computer block diagram; and
  • identify and discuss some of the latest trends in the computing industry.


Completing this course should take you approximately 48 hours.



  • Computer History
  • Components of a Computer
  • The computer's central processing unit (CPU)
  • How the Computer Power Supplies Work
  • The Switch to Parallel Processing
  • Class Discussion
  • The Switch to Parallel Processing
  • Case Study: A Recent Intel Processor
  • Data Types, Operators, and Variables

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